About vidaXL



vidaXL is a leading international online retailer. We offer a surprisingly wide range of products – everything from home & garden to furniture, sporting goods, and much more.




Our story

Two young entrepreneurs started in 2006 with the online sale of products on a small scale on different platforms. This proved to be a great success. During this period of massive growth, we also created our own brand and started producing our own vidaXL branded products. The number of products grew exponentially, and the next logical step was to start selling in more countries on our own web shops. Our success is in the sourcing of products and offering these products at competitive prices. We continuously look for new cost-reducing measures, without compromising on quality or sustainability.


Our business

We do market research and find out what kind of products are in high demand. Once that’s determined, we negotiate with factories that produce these produces, after which we purchase them in bulk - directly from the source. Because of this process we’re able to influence the design and packaging of the products, which allows us to optimise the entire process – and this means that in the end, you, our customer, will pay a very reasonable price for our products.

We also have our own factory where we produce several types of chipboard furniture. For these products, we have even more say in the entire production process, which again makes the price you pay as our customer very favourable.


dropshippingxl intro blog
dropshippingxl intro blog


Our goal

Customers are becoming more and more price conscious, and vidaXL facilitates this development by offering products for in and around the house at competitive prices. We aim to make all these products accessible to as many customers as possible.


Our customers

We sell our products to customers in 29 European countries, the United States and Australia, and are always hard at work to expand and reach even more customers. We also offer customer service in the native language of all the countries that we are active in.


Our promise

As a customer of vidaXL you can hold us to the following promises:


Good price

There’s nothing we dislike more than spending too much money, and we’re sure we’re not alone in this. By keeping complete control over the supply and production process we’ll always be able to offer our products at a good price.





Good service

Our customer service is excellent. If you have any questions about a product, shipping or payment, our customer service agents are always ready to help you out in your native language. Delivery and returns are always free. And of course, if something goes wrong (as we are human, after all) we promise to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.





Good feeling

Shopping at vidaXL should make you feel good, and we promise you that shopping on our web shops will always give you the rush of finding a great deal.





Watch our corporate movie here: